(860) 716-5961 info@coastalcreationsct.com

There are several types of landscape drainage solutions offered by Coastal Creations that can be implemented to address various drainage issues on your property. Here are some common types of landscape drainage solutions we can implement for your residential or commercial property.

  • French Drains: French drains are a popular drainage solution that effectively collects and redirects excess water. They consist of a trench filled with perforated pipes surrounded by gravel or aggregate. The water enters the perforated pipes and is then carried away from the problem area to a designated drainage outlet.
  • Surface Drains: Surface drains, also known as catch basins or channel drains, are designed to collect water from the surface and prevent it from pooling or flooding. They are installed at low points or areas prone to water accumulation. Surface drains have grates or covers that allow water to enter, and they are connected to a pipe system that carries the water away.
  • Dry Wells: Dry wells are underground structures that collect and store excess water, allowing it to slowly infiltrate into the surrounding soil. They are typically used in areas with poor soil drainage. Dry wells are constructed with perforated walls or bottoms to allow water to enter and gradually disperse.
  • Grading and Sloping: Proper grading and sloping of the landscape can significantly improve water drainage. By shaping the terrain to create a gentle slope away from structures and problem areas, water is naturally directed toward drainage outlets, preventing pooling or flooding.
  • Swales: Swales are shallow channels or depressions designed to collect and redirect water. They are often used in large open areas or along the edges of properties. Swales are shaped to encourage water flow and prevent erosion. They can be planted with grass or vegetation to enhance their appearance and help with water absorption.
  • Retaining Walls: Retaining walls can serve both functional and aesthetic purposes while addressing drainage issues. They are constructed to hold back soil and create level areas. Retaining walls can help manage water runoff by redirecting it away from vulnerable areas and preventing erosion.
  • Rain Gardens: Rain gardens are designed to capture and absorb rainwater, allowing it to naturally infiltrate into the soil. They consist of depressed areas planted with native vegetation that can tolerate both wet and dry conditions. Rain gardens help filter pollutants, reduce erosion, and provide habitat for beneficial wildlife.
  • Permeable Pavers: Permeable pavers are an alternative to traditional solid paving materials. They allow water to penetrate through the surface, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge. Permeable pavers are often used for driveways, walkways, and patios, helping to mitigate drainage issues.
  • Ditching: Ditching involves the excavation of shallow channels or ditches to divert water away from problem areas. This can be especially useful in flat or low-lying areas where water tends to accumulate.
  • Surface Grading and Drainage Systems: This approach involves modifying the surface contours of the landscape to create swales, berms, or graded areas that encourage water flow and prevent pooling. This method is commonly used in larger-scale projects or for managing water runoff on slopes.

The specific drainage solution or combination of solutions depends on factors such as the site’s topography, soil conditions, severity of drainage issues, and local regulations. Coastal Creations can help determine the most suitable drainage solution for your specific needs and ensure effective water management on your property. You can click the following link to view our 5-star Google Reviews. You can contact us today at (860) 716-5961 to schedule a quick no-cost estimate or consultation!